Friday, December 26, 2014

                                                           All About Body

Training, fitness, getting toned & cellulite..Yeah, those familiar words. Specially when its close to or when it is summer..
I met Kamil in my local cafe. We go to same cafe for take-away coffees. He is friends with the car people, so am I.  It was long before I knew he was a personal trainer,  we would greet each other, and smile. You know the friendly neighbour smile.
One summer day, I was bragging about how I want to get fitter  and that I might need to find a personal trainer, with my friend, who works at the cafe.
Kamil was next to us. He said I look like a model. So typical. I know.  But he said if I wanted to get fitter he could help me and that he is a personal trainer.
I was excited. We planned a day to catch up for coffee and chat about my body first.
To admit the truth, I like my body. I like my shape and figure. What I don't like is that I'm not perfectly fit. Far from it. If you talk about how you want to hit the gym and get fitter, a lot of people think you're insecure or not confident. No, I'd say I am confident.
I know how to dress my shape. I know all about my body. I'm a petite, hourglass.
And this is what I exactly told him. But I have cellulite which I want to get rid of. I've put few extra kilos during winter because of increased appetite and to keep warm.. On top of that I haven't been training. A bit more than a  month ago, I bought running wear from Lorna Jane and these comfy and stylish New Balance runners from Platypus. I ran few times and I kind of got busy and left it.
Anyways, what I want is to get more toned and more muscular body. Not so much full on muscles which you might be imagining. But I want convert some of the fat to muscle. I want toned, fit legs, butt, tummy and arms. It's not the just about the looks, but I want to feel healthier and stronger.

Do you know what I mean? At least Kamil knows what I mean. I showed him pictures and openly told him all about my body and what I want to achieve.

My blogging and modelling work requires me to be super fit nowadays. Also, I did ballet for years, as a teenager. I want to get back to where I was before I stopped training. You know, college, partying, work, busy schedule,  boyfriend... Excuses...

But in recent years, my  legs got so weak that now when I go to Sydney Dance Company (like twice, three times a year),  and dance ballet, I get massive cramps and I can't even walk home after the class.

I want to be used to exercises. It sounds ambitious or not, but one day, in near future, after I get super fit, I wanna go back to ballet. I want to be on pointe shoes again.

By now, we have trained five times in last two weeks, out of that, one being at the gym and the rest outdoors in a park.
Kamil comes prepared for each training with a written plan of what exercises we will do for how many minutes and how long the breaks will be etc. He is a funny person, who jokes a lot. So every time before when we just start the training, I laugh a lot, like it will be funny. But no. It's hard!
He is funny guy but he is serious about training. He really pushes me to do my best. But what I love is that the energy. He is a very energetic and passionate trainer.

We combine the  training with swimming, sauna, steam & jakuzi.
As all of the above together are great treatment for cellulite. We are doing lots of squats and other exercise that really work on legs, thighs and butt. Hot and cold shower, sauna, steam & jakuzi, they all increase blood circulation, therefore help to break the fat cells which is so called cellulite.
When I'm in either sauna, steam room or jacuzzi, I massage and rub my thighs a lot to increase the blood circulation even more.

However, I leave this post here. I will keep writing about my training and how my body is improving! :) :) :P

Kouture Kitty.

My Lorna Jane sports bra, running shorts and New Balance runners from Platypus.

Me and my trainer Kamil.

                                                       The typical 'before' photo.

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